Mattress Cleaning & Sanitizing
The typical American spends up to 1/3 of their life in the bedroom. Don't neglect your mattress and your health. Have Dry Master Cleaning & Restoration professionally clean your mattresses at least every 6 months as experts and doctors recommend.
Call 972-680-8982 Today for a FREE, no obligation Mattress Cleaning quote.
Are You Sleeping With The Enemy?
If you haven't cleaned your mattress lately, you might be sleeping with a bunch of despicable, uninvited "room mates"! The vast majority of Americans think of carpet and upholstery when calling a professional cleaner, and yet more than 95% forget about their mattress without knowing mattresses are one of the most contaminated items in your home.
Before we begin, please understand that our desire to inform you on the subject of dust mite contamination, as disturbing as it can be for some people, it isn't meant to scare you into action. Rather, it is strictly designed to inform and educate so that with the proper information, you can make the best decision for you and those you care for concerning this subject. Our belief will always be invested in the intelligence and discernment of our customers, and their ability to know what best to do and how best to react given the facts.

Do you ever wonder why your kids, or yourself, go to bed feeling fine, and wake up with watery eyes, runny nose, headaches, sinus pain, fatigue, early morning fits of sneezing and with other allergy symptoms? You and your family may be sleeping with the enemy.
Who is this enemy?
It is called a dust mite. Dust mites are invisible to the human eye (1000 of them could be placed on the head of a pin) and live on dead human skin cells (which comprise up to 80% of household dust!), as well as fungi and bacteria. They also live off water vapor, which we provide for them by perspiration and respiration, emitting approximately one pint of moisture per person, per night.
And guess where their favorite breeding spot is?
Yes, that's right . . . your mattress. Their ideal home!
Why the mattress?
Because it's warm, often moist, cozy, easy to burrow into and full of their favorite food . . . skin flakes, the skin flakes every human being sheds every day and night of his or her life, no mater what their age, sex or state of health.
The average bedroom can be infested by millions of microscopic dust mites. In fact, while dust mites can be found throughout the home, 60% of them live in mattresses, making the bedroom the number one treatment priority. The bedroom provides a plentiful supply of shed skin cells, warmth and humidity, making it an ideal environment for dust mites to thrive and multiple. And you can't just vacuum them away.

Our 6 Step Mattress Cleaning and Sanitizing Process
We will determine the type of fabric and best method for cleaning your mattress.
Dusting/Dry Soil Removal
We deeply vacuum your mattress using powerful commercial extraction equipment.
Pre-Condition & Spot Treatment
We will use a hypoallergenic emulsifier to loosen all dust, body oils, sweat and other contaminants accumulated in your mattress.
Deep Clean
Using the same cleaning process as we use for fine furniture, we extract all contaminants from deep inside your mattress.
We will mist a hypoallergenic sanitizer approved for use in hospitals and nursing homes over your entire mattress to ensure complete sanitization.
Post Inspection
We will review the cleaning results with you to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Have A Better Nights Sleep On A Fresher, Cleaner, Healthier Mattress
CALL 972-680-8982 TODAY!
And as always, all our work is guaranteed 100% in writing because we want you to be a happy, long term client. That's how we've stayed in business, pleasing one customer at a time.